Sunday, 29 January 2017

Circuits And Systems [semester-2]


ELECTRIC_CIRCUIT [8th Edition] by NILSSON / RIEDEL [pdf Download Link:

Solution Manual ELECTRIC_CIRCUIT [8th Edition] by NILSSON / RIEDEL [pdf Download Link:

Introduction_to_Electric_Circuits_Edition_9 Dorf & Svoboda:

Download PsPice Software :

Download PROTEUS Software :

Digital_Logic_Circuit_Analysis_and_Design.pdf Download Link:

What Is Electric Circuit?

 An electric circuit is a path in which electrons from a voltage or current source flow. The point where those electrons enter an electrical circuit is called the "source" of electrons. The point where the electrons leave an electrical circuit is called the "return" or "earth ground".

What is Circuit Engineering?

Electrical engineering is an exciting and challenging profession for any one who has a genuine interest in, and aptitude for, applied science and mathematics. Over the past century and a hall, electrical engineers have played a dominant role in the development of systems that have changed the way people live and work. Satellite communication links, telephones, digital computers, televisions, diagnostic and surgical medical equipment, assembly-line robots, and electrical power tools are representative components of systems that define a modern technological society. As an electrical engineer. you can participate in this ongoing technological revolution by improving and refining these existing systems and by discovering and developing new systems to meet the needs of our ever-changing society. As you embark on the study of circuit analysis, you need to gain a feel for where this study fits into the hierarchy of topics that comprise an introduction to electrical engineering. Hence we begin by presenting an overview of electrical engineering, some ideas about an engineering point of view as it relates to circuit analysis and a review of the international system of units. We then describe generally what circuit analysis entails. Next, we introduce the concepts of voltage and current.We follow these concepts with discussion of an ideal basic element and the need for a polarity reference system. We conclude the chapter by describing how current and voltage relate to power and energy.

In this book, linked above, you would be able to read and understand 

  • Circuit Variable
  • Circuit Elements
  • Simple Resistive Circuits 
  • Techniques of Circuit Analysis
  • The Operational Amplifier
  • Inductance, Capacitance, and Mutual Inductance
  •  Response of First-order RL and RC Circuits
  • Natural and Step Responses of RtC Circuits
  • Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis
  • Sinusoidal Steady-State Power Calculations
  • Balanced Three-Phase Circuits
  • Introduction to the Laplace Transform
  • The Laplace Transform in Circuit Analysis
  • Introduction to Frequency Selective Circuits
  • Active Fitter Circuits 606 Fourier Series
  • The Fourier Transform
  • Two-Port Circuit 

ELECTRIC_CIRCUIT [8th Edition] by NILSSON / RIEDEL [pdf Download Link:

Solution Manual ELECTRIC_CIRCUIT [8th Edition] by NILSSON / RIEDEL [pdf Download Link:

Engineering Drawing [semester-2]

Engineering Drawing [lecture_1] pdf:


Engineering Drawing is very important field of any engineering, engineering drawing or simple ED is the concept, idea and information about a solid object, that may be a car, home, computer, robotics, communication, computer science, chemical, textile, transportation, automobiles, architectural, and it will be easy to say any type of engineering.

According to the wikipedia:
"An engineering drawing, a type of technical drawing, is used to fully and clearly define requirements for engineered items.
Engineering drawing (the activity) produces engineering drawings (the documents). More than merely the drawing of pictures, it is also a language—a graphical language that communicates ideas and information from one mind to another. Most especially, it communicates all needed information from the engineer who designed a part to the workers who will make it."
We sketch and design an object from different angles, describing it with different specific combination of lines, arcs and circles and other shape sketches, in-fact it is a 2-D diagram of describing almost all the properties of the object.

Is ED an Engineering Language?

Engineering Drawing is the Language of Engineers. A drawing drawn by an Engineer, having Engineering knowledge, for the Engineering purposes is an Engineering Drawing. It is very important to learn Engineering Drawing because it is a starting point of all Engineering branches-Mechanical, Production, Civil, Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Science, Chemical, Textile, Transportation, Metallurgical, Instrumentation, Automobile, Architectural, Agricultural, Aeronautical, Marine, Mining Engineering etc.

It is the Universal Graphic Language of Engineers, spoken, read and written in its own way. Every language has its own rules of grammar. Engineering drawing also has its grammar in the theory of projections, its idioms in conventional practices, its punctuations in the types of lines, its abbreviations, symbols and its descriptions in the constructions. It is up to engineer, what angle he wanna chose for describing his diagram or design best, and what he or she thinks, is better.

Students should not get confused Engineering Drawing with Artistic Drawing. The latter is commonly used by the artists for commercial purposes, such as in painting, advertisement boards, etc.

Geometrical Drawing:
Geometrical drawing is the foundation of all Engineering Drawings. It is a subject, difficult to learn or to teach without the aid of a good text book. A good speed in drawing work should be achieved, because "time is money" in the industry. Accuracy, neatness and legibility are of great importance in engineering drawing.

Geometrical Drawing consists of:
1.       Plain Geometrical Drawing and
2.       Solid Geometrical Drawing.

Geometrical drawing is the art of representation of geometrical objects such as square, rectangle, cylinder, cone, sphere etc. on a drawing sheet or paper.

Plane Geometrical Drawing is the art of representation of objects having two dimensions or 2-D structures, i.e., breadth and length such as square, rectangle, quadrilateral etc. on a drawing sheet, paper or board.

Solid Geometrical Drawing is the art of representation of objects of three dimensions 3-D structures, i.e., length, breadth and height, such as cube, cylinder, sphere etc. on a drawing sheet, paper or drawing board.

Engineering drawing, particularly, geometrical" drawing is the basis for various specialized types of drawings applied to various fields MACHINE DRAWING in the machine industries ; STRUCTURAL DRAW¬ING in the structural constructions such as buildings, bridges and dams; ELECTRICAL DRAWING in the electrical industries ; AERONAUTICAL DRAWING in the aircraft manufacturing ; MARINE DRAWING in ship construction and so on.

Differential Equations [semester-2]

Download Now: 

 Advanced Engineering Mathematics_by_ERWIN KREYSZIG_9th Edition

Solution Manual:

Solution Manual of Advance Engineering Mathematics

Friday, 27 January 2017

Computer Programming (C++) [semester-2]

Computer Programming:

Second Semester Course Outline:

C++_How_to_Program_8th_Edition_Paul_Deitel_Harvey_Deitel :

C++ Essential by Sharam Hekmat (.pdf) Download Link:

What Is Programming?

In simple Words the process of writing computer programs, is called programming.

Computer programming (often shortened to programming) is a process that leads from an original formulation of a computing problem to executable computer programs. Programming involves activities such as analysis, developing understanding, generating algorithms, verification of requirements of algorithms including their correctness and resources consumption, and implementation (commonly referred to as coding) of algorithms in a target programming languageSource code is written in one or more programming languages. The purpose of programming is to find a sequence of instructions that will automate performing a specific task or solving a given problem.

What Is 'C++' ?

C++ is an object oriented programming ,
[( Object-oriented programming or OOP is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which may contain data, in the form of fields, often known as attributes; and code, in the form of procedures, often known as methods. A feature of objects is that an object's procedures can access and often modify the data fields of the object with which they are associated (objects have a notion of "this" or "self").]
C++ is a language, developed by Bjarne Stroustrup, and is an extension of C language. It is therefore possible to code C++ in a "C style" or "object-oriented style." In certain scenarios, it can be coded in either way and is thus an effective example of a hybrid language.
C++ is a general purpose object oriented programming language. It is considered to be an intermediate level language, as it encapsulates both high and low level language features. Initially, the language was called 'C with classes’ as it had all properties of C language with an additional concept of 'classes’. However, it was renamed to C++ in 1983.

Why We Use "using namespace std;" in C++?

When programs start to get really big, it gets difficult to keep track of all the functions and variables that you have already declared. This sometimes results in two different things being declared that have the same name. When this happens, the program will give you an error because the compiler can't tell which is which anymore.
This gets even worse when there are lots of different libraries involved in the program. If your audio library and your physics library both have functions called get_volume, then the compiler won't know which one to call, and you'll get a link error. This is even worse, because you often don't have the source code for these libraries, so the error is impossible to fix.
In C, the usual approach was to just add a prefix to the start of every function name, like physics_get_volume and audio_get_volume. The prefix would be the name of the library. This is a pain, and we wanted something a bit better designed in C++.
A namespace is a more flexible way of adding prefixes. So you can name the functions physics::get_volume and audio::get_volume. The difference is that if you know you're going to be writing a bunch of audio-specific source code, you can add "using namespace audio" at the top of your file, and then just call get_volume without the audio:: prefix for the rest of that file. It saves on typing. Another difference is that you can leave off all the prefixes while writing code inside the namespace itself, which again makes things easier to read.
The std namespace is special; it is short for the word "standard." The built in C++ library routines are kept in the standard namespace. That includes stuff like cout, cin, string, vector, map, etc. Because these tools are used so commonly, it's popular to add "using namespace std" at the top of your source code so that you won't have to type the std:: prefix constantly. And because these functions are kept in a namespace, if you really want to use "vector" as a variable name, you still can. Namespaces give you more freedom to use short, accurate names.
One side note: it is bad manners to put "using namespace" declarations in header files*. It forces all includers of that header file to use that namespace, which might result in naming ambiguities that are hard to fix. This practice is called "namespace pollution." Instead, always use the fully prefixed names in header files (std::string not string) and save the using declarations for the source files.
*One exception: If you are the owner of a given namespace (i.e. it's your library), and you add a "using namespace X" declaration inside of your namespace, you can do that in a header file. It's still namespace "pollution," but it's only polluting your own namespace, and you own that namespace. This is permissible, but be careful.

Books You should read for GATE Papers- GATE study Materials.

What you should read for GATE Papers?

Everyone wants good result and rank in any any exam. The systematic approach and conceptual study is highly important such that studying all the topics in deep with details in predefined time. All books are valuable in their aspects but choosing of the right and related books plays a vital role if you are preparing by your own.

There are a lot of books available in the market now a days, but we recommend you these two books, and our highly qualified teachers assured, it can lead you towards the top.

2015 GATE Engineering MathematicsThis is concludes all the topic wise theory and solved questions of previous gate papers. this book is best for preparing mathematics section of the gate exam. I will give a simple example, In matrix portion, first of all it explains RANKS in simple language and then it goes towards examples, taken from the previous papers, and then in the end exercise with explanation of each question.

buy it Now:

GATE - Computer Science & Information Technology : 23 Years GATE Solved Papers with thorough Explanations 1st  Edition

This book comprise of the solved past papers of about 23 years. All the questions are comprise in their respective sections with explanation.

buy it Now:

Personal Supercomputers.

The Promise Of Personal SuperComputers:

What is PSC (personal super computer)?

A PSC has the ability and power between the supercomputers and personal computers, in fact it is a high- performance computers. They are good for individual tasks, and very good in computing a significant amount data for a single user or for an organization. The commercial models of PSCs are also available but usually they are made by the user themselves or by their order. Although comparatively they are expensive than a personal computer (PC) but affordable to many people.

What will it take to put hundreds of microprocessors in laptops and in cell-phones?

In February 2007, Intel announced a research project, the first ever programmable TERASCALE superchip. The company demonstrated a single chip with 80 cores, or processor,  and showed that these cores could be programmed to execute numbers at the rate of a trillion operations per second, a measure known as a TERAFLOPThe size of the chip is about a large postage stamp, but it has the same calculation speed as a supercomputer that, in 1996, took up about 2,000 square feet and drew about 1,000 times more power.

This research was one of the initial steps taken by Intel towards massively Multicore Technology, said Nitin Borkar, engineering manager and lab project head at Intel. "The goal, he says, is to use this chip to test techniques that could make massively multicore technology faster, more energy efficient, and, most daunting, easy to program. These techniques will be “funneled into future products” that could appear, if all goes well, within five to ten years."

Now we see, the promise of personal supercomputer is been fulfilled, we can see many personal supercomputers by many different companies like Apple, IBM, Intel, Limulus etc.. 

Supercomputing in Pakistan:






Thursday, 26 January 2017

Your PC speed depends on HARD_DRIVE speed.

Do you know HARD DRIVE actually controls half of the speed of your computer instead of RAM and Processor ?

When you going to buy a brand new computer, the seller would not tell you about the RAM, that how gigabytes the ram is or he may tell you about the processor of the computer that how much it is advanced, he will also tell you about the space capacity of the hard drive BUT he would not tell you about the speed of the hard drive. 


YES,  it is very necessary to test hard drive before you buy a computer. Because when you work on your computer, enter and output data to information and information to data, the processor commands hard drive to pull or push out the data, and if the hard drive is lazy then it would definitely affect the speed of the computer.

All of below, I link an website where you can download the executable file instead of the full application, It is very easy to test you hard-drive, you just have to run the executable file. There is no need to install the application. You could download the file in just half of a second and run it.

here is the the link you can download the zip file


Laptop or notebook computers

What does notebook computer mean?

A notebook computer is a small portable computer, often called as Laptop because it can easily use it in your lap. It is a personal computer powered by AC or a battery source, generally smaller than a conventional briefcase but greater than a smart phone. It can easily be transported.
Generally, It has a thin LCD or LED screen in upper portion, attached with an alphanumeric keyboard on the power part of the computer, in the lower portion, the power part contain all the necessary hardware of a desktop computer, typically thickness 3 inches or less in inches and weighs less than 5 ponds. The overgrowing companies popular for the laptop making are, IBM, Compaq, Apple, Toshiba, Dell, and Hewlett-Packard.

Why Generally, A notebook computer is expensive than a Normal Desktop Computer With the Same Capability?

A laptop combines all the hardware of the PC in very scientific way and the designing of a Laptop is very difficult than a normal desktop PC. That`s why normally, a laptop costs more. DOCKING STATION has the ability, it can effectively be turned Laptop into Desktop computer, a hardware frame that supplies connections for peripheral I/O devices such as large monitors and Printers. The ports allows you to connect a notebook to a number of peripherals.

Technology use in Notebooks:

Usually, thin screen technology use in the display of the Notebooks. The Active Matrix screen is brighter and views better at different angles than the dual-scan screen i-e Monitors. There are many types of embedded things on a keyboard to interact with the computer like a mouse. They may be Touch Pad, Track Ball and the Pointing Stick. A serial port also allows a regular mouse to be attached. CD/DVD dick drives may be built in or attachable. The PC card is insertable hardware for adding a modem or network interface card (NIC) to a Notebook.

HTML element reference

An HTML element is an individual component of an HTML document or web page, usually with an opening and closing tag. It commands the browser and add specification to the documents or the web-page.
<tagname>Content goes here...</tagname>

The HTML element is everything from the start tag to the end tag:

<p>My first paragraph.</p>

List of  Different HTML5 Tags:

How Facebook Database Works?


In 2017, we should not ask WHAT IS FACEBOOK? because touches the top of popularity, Everyone know about Facebook. A survey says that
Worldwide, there are over 1.79 billion monthly active Facebook users (Facebook MAUs) which is a 16 percent increase year over year. [ FACEBOOK UPDATES: ]"

According to Wikipedia:

Facebook is an American for-profit corporation and online social media and social networking service based in Menlo Park, California. Wikipedia
Stock priceFB (NASDAQ) US$132.18 -0.60 (-0.45%)
27 Jan, 4:00 PM GMT-5 - Disclaimer

But Today We Will Talk About The DATABASE of Facebook.


You will surprisingly amazed to hear that everyday 2.5 billion piece of content and 500+ Terabytes is ingested over the Facebook.
Facebook showed some big states of data, data-centers to a few reporters at it`s head-quarter, including the process management of 2.5B pieces of contents and 500+ Terabytes of data on daily bases. It`s  saving in 2.7 billion likes and 300 million photos per day,  and on the second hand it also scan the data roughly of about 105 terabytes each each half hour. In addition to, it gave it`s first details on it`s new "Project Prism".


Jay Parikh, VP of Engineering explained why this is so important to Facebook; Big Data is really is like having the penetration and it makes an impact on your business.  If your are not taking the advantage of the data you have, then it is just useless clump of data and infect you do not have any information. By processing data in minutes, Facebook can roll out new products, understand user reactions, and modify design in near real-time.

Another thing Facebook showed was that over 100 petabytes of data are stored in a single Hadoop disk cluster, and the Ajay Parikh(VP) noted "We think we operate the single largest Hadoop system in the world." Someone ask "Is your Hadoop cluster bigger than Yahoo`s?" everyone was shocked to hear the VP saying "YES" with a wink.

What he said, that sounds like a lot to smaller businesses, but it is a reality, he also noted that in a few months “No one will care you have 100 petabytes of data in our warehouse”. The speed of ingestion of  DATA keeps on increasing, and “the world is getting hungrier and hungrier for data.”

And this data isn’t just helpful for Facebook. It passes on the benefits to its Adman. Ajay explained, “We’re tracking how ads are doing across different dimensions of users across our site, based on age, gender, interests, We judge that, ‘actually this ad is doing better in Los Angeles  so we should show more of this ad in Los Angeles to make it more successful.'”

More he said "Facebook does not even need to push changes to see their impact now. “By looking at historical data, We can validate a model before putting it into production. We put data in a simulation, and can see ‘will this increase CTR by X?'” It also has a system called Gatekeeper that lets it simultaneously test different changes on tiny percentages of the user base.

Then there’s “Project Prism (Facebook's Project Prism is reimagining how big data scales. MapReduce is a model for processing large data sets using clusters of servers and distributed computing;  Apache Hadoop is one of its most common implementations.
)”. Right now Facebook actually stores its entire live, evolving user database in a single data center, with others used for redundancy and other data. When the main collection gets too big for one data center it has to move the whole thing to another that’s been expanded to fit it. This shuttling around is a waste of resources.

Ajay (VP) says “Project Prism lets us take this monolithic warehouse…and physically separate [it] but maintain one view of the data.” The means the live dataset can be split up and hosted across Facebook’s data centers in Virginia, California, North Carolina,Oregon,  and Sweden.

Users might be a little bit Queasy about the idea that Facebook employees could look so deep into their activities, but Facebook assured that, there are numerous protections against abuse. All data access is logged so Facebook can track which workers are looking at what and for what. Only those working on building products that require data access get it, and there is an intensive training process around acceptable use. And if an employee Nose where they’re not supposed to, they’re fired. Ajay stated strongly “We have a zero-tolerance policy.”

Microsoft Datacenter Tour


Take a virtual datacenter tour:

Why to make Microsoft your Datacenter`s Cloud?

Move your datacenter to a cloud you can trust.
Microsoft provides you a chance to make the move to a reliable and scalable datacenter infrastructure without sacrificing security or compliance needs. Find more cloud deployment options that offer over 200 cloud services across 100+ datacenters worldwide.

HOW Microsoft is building GREEN DATACENTERS?

A green data center is a godown for the storage, management, and elaboration of data in which the mechanical, electrical, lighting and computer systems are designed for minimum environmental impact and maximum energy efficiency.
READ ABOUT THE Microsoft Greener Datacenter:
Microsoft Green Blog:

Microsoft Global Data Centers:

Read Cloud Network Strategy Network Papers:

View the Cloud Operations Excellence and Reliability Papers:

GOOGLE DATA-CENTER [take a walk inside..

Take A Walk Through A Google Data-Center:

Where are the Google data centers?
There are some Officially discovered data-centers among the many data centers used by Google for its services, some are owned and solely operated by Google, Like Berkeley Country, USA and South Carolina deta-centers.


integrated circuits in making at one of the global foundries chip factories:

  • . A world that normally remains hidden from our eyes. The world inside the a microprocessor



 In the beginning is the circuit diagram

At design center around the glob, experts collaborate to design circuit diagrams sophisticated integration circuits, like microprocessors, high graphic processors. And vireles communication ICs.
The next step is manufacturing


  • The disk`s substrates for the microchips are made from silicon wafers

  • To make these wafers, a huge mass of mono-cristals is drawn from purified silicon melt.
  • The result is the perfect silicon latics , in which the transisters later will be fitted.


  • However impurities threats are always there, to these flawless silicon crystals.
  • Global foundries manufacturer must be clean, therefore we take extensive safety precautions every-time they enter to dust free clean rooms.
  • The result our wafers are fabricated in an environment that is more than 100 thousand times cleaner than operating theater.


  • Completely free of dust, the silicon disks arrived at the clean room, Here 25 wafers are packed into each harmonically sealed container, And sent off on a journey, that will take them through hundreds of manufacturing steps,

STEP 5: 
Photo-Lithotrophic technique:

  • Photo-Lithotrophic technique transfers the circuit structure to the wafers, rather like slides projections.

  • The key to this whole process is solid mystery of light.

  • The silicon disk is spin coated with the photosensitive resist,

  • Uv light transfers the circuits structure depicted on a mass to the wafers,

  • The expose part of the resist is soluble and removed by developer,

  • The transferred structure can now be use as a Templet.

  • The unprotected of the water surface are protected.

  • Billion of small current switches are generated on each wafer, tiny transisters

Photo lithographic stage:

  • The wafers move on to the I-on implantation, where the electrical properties off the transistors will be specified. Here the engineers make good use of one of the most silicon properties , silicon is semiconductor and it also have doping effect,


  • First doping atoms are injected in silicon structures,

  • These atoms then distributes randomly in the silicon latices.

  • At high temperatures, the doping atoms become flexible and take on a fixed position in the atomic structure.

  • Engineers and experts monitor all the manufacturing process.

  • Copper dominates the next process step, the finest interconnect wires linkup billions of separate transistors, to form integrated circuits.


  • Before that happen ever, cleaning is essential for wafers, as particles in every stage of the manufacturing process, can be remain on wafers, they are remove by water.

  • Before the copper is pored into the tranches for the interconnects, a barrier layer is applied, it helps to avoid short-circuits, and guarantied liabilities.

  • The tranches are the filled with copper, the excess copper is ground down to the edge of the tranches, these insulates each interconnect from the others

  • A microchip is mad of copper wire wing, astablish global foundries is the first company in the world to adopt copper in volume production. A foundation for this state of multicore processors, that global foundries introducing today in all product areas. To keep them on the leading edge of world chip makers, electron microscope constantly monitor every step in the manufacturing process, down to the atomic structures of each indivisual transistor.

  • In two months, the wafer is ready. Huge integrated circuits consisting of conductors with the link of multiple kilometers. Link of one hundred billion transistors on numerous lavels and that in the space of one finger-nail.


  • The last is the packaging of the chips. In preparation for this step thin silver applied on the wafer.

  • We will link the chip to the frame, these are the finest saw-blades. The chips are cut the wafer.

  • The flip-chip method is used to bind the chip to the frame, which is sealed with a cover